Week 4: Exercise Challenge

Reverse Lunge OR Reverse lunge with a hop!

I love this exercise because it’s great to work your legs/butt and at the same time you can get your heart rate going for some cardio! Try it out…it’s harder than it looks ;)

Variation #1:

Step back into a reverse lunge, then bring that knee up, then step back…Little tip: for better momentum as you are doing the movement, make sure your opposite arm come up with that knee and vice versa when you come back like in the pics below. Try for 10-20x on each side.


Variation #2: same as above but with a hop or jump to make it more challenging! Either try to do it for 15-20x or you can time yourself for 45sec for ex. I had a video for you but it doesn’t seem to work so I will post it up on Instagram if anyone wants to take a look!

Hope you enjoyed this Exercise Challenge. You can always come back to it and do it at any time. The idea was to keep it simple, fun and to keep that motivation going during these semi-lockdown days! Let me know what you thought of it and if you want to see more of these types of challenges.

Keep posting up your pics and I will pull names from a hat for the raffle on Nov 9th in the evening…you have until then to send me any pics from this challenge and the smoothie challenge.

Have fun,


Jana Sedivec