Sitz Bath
This is another great option to have ready when you come home from the hospital to help sooth the perineal area. Helps to relieve pain, quicker recovery (helps to bring blood flow to the area), helps dissolve stitches, hemorrhoids etc. It’s simple, yet effective!
What you need:
1-2 cups of Epsom salts
10 drops of lavender essential oil
2 Tbs of coconut oil (if you don’t have liquid coconut oil make sure to melt it before)
How to:
If you can make a mason jar of the above ingredients (basically it’s like making bath salts), then when its time to take a sitz bath, you can have it already made and ready to go!
Mix the Epsom salts, lavender and coconut oil and voila!
Make sure you have a top on your mason jar and keep it for when you need.
**Once you are home from the hospital or birthing centre, you can do this 2x/day or as needed.