Fit Moms
Looking to challenge and push yourself to achieve your goals and become fit?
This class is designed for moms back to work or any mom who wants to get a good workout and push themselves without babies or kids! This class will continue to challenge yourself to become fit, healthy and stronger than ever!
This class will focus on:
Circuit training using :
Stability balls
Free weights
Agility and plyometrics
Skipping ropes
Focus of the class: full body strength, core, posture, mobility & flexibility
Tips, articles & recipes to maximize a healthy lifestyle!
**This class is given outdoors monthly in Montreal on a Saturday at 9am…look out for the monthly date!
**Live Online Fit Moms Class
In the live online class version, I offer the same small group and personalized attention as in my in-person classes but it is given through Zoom. I suggest certain equipment but it's not necessary and can go with what you have at home. I like to take a moment to talk with each participant online before they start to discuss any injuries or issues going on and at the same time see what equipment they might have and make recommendations to them directly.
Here are some things that are suggested for the circuit training:
-Pair or two of free weights (5lbs, 8lbs for example)
-stability ball
-mini band and/or a resistance band
-we are creative to find ways to do our cardio: different exercises, stairs, little step etc.
**If you are new to class, then I am offering a 10 min consult to go over anything I should know of in terms of injuries, issues going on and your personal goals!