Why attend Prenatal Classes?
If you are pregnant and think you will be bored taking a maternity leave...Think again! Preparing for your first child or second or third means learning or relearning topics related to prenatal care. Catching up on the risks of bad habits and the benefits of exercise, massage, birth coaching etc. can be time consuming but they help you to be ready for the big day.
Prenatal classes help mothers remain positive during pregnancy and this should be any mom’s top priority. Prenatal educational classes are intended to teach about the: preparation of women and their families for pregnancy, preparation for birth, pain management during labour, care of the newborn and adjustment to family life.
Moreover, knowing the benefits prenatal classes provide, it is surprising to see a low number of mothers attending prenatal classes. Prenatal classes help to improve women’s self-esteem and self-confidence, enhances family relationships, promotes breastfeeding, improves communication between the woman and her health care providers, and reduces the need for medications in labour. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/rhs-ssg/pdf/survey-fra.pdf
Overall, less than one-third (32.7%) of Canadian women attended prenatal classes. Out of this population younger women (15–19 years) were more likely to attend classes than women in all other age groups. Also, statistics highlight that women living in a household at or below the low income cut-off were less likely to attend classes than women living in a household above the low income cut-off. Lastly, it is estimated that in the province of Quebec only 36% of the population has attended prenatal classes. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/rhs-ssg/pdf/survey-eng.pdf
There is no doubt that prenatal classes provide informational support, helps decrease physical complications during labor and delivery, and, improves both physical and mental health during the postpartum period. It is also true that mothers who have the support and knowledge of prenatal classes experience fewer childbirth complications and less postpartum depression. In comparison, women who do not attend prenatal classes with their partner feel that emotional support and practical help (child care and housework) could have been improved.
Becoming a mother is a very positive experience for most women, but like all things we need to learn and have the knowledge to help us in our new role. Although parents are not required to attend prenatal classes, these benefits have to properly prepare for childbirth. At Stork and Company we are privileged to help mothers develop different skills and abilities that will benefit them.
Visit the Storks and Company to see the prenatal classes and various specialized courses childbirth preparation as Bonapace Method and Ball Birth that are offered in collaboration with Studio Vie. http://www.cigognesetcie.com/fr/eboutique