
During this week's VIP week at the studio, I have the pleasure to introduce you to some of the professionals that I collaborate with who will be giving your their tip of the we have Amadea Kezar who is a physio that specializes in pelvic floor rehab.  Take advantage of all the tips for this week its going to be great.


  • See a pelvic health physiotherapist during pregnancy and BEFORE issues arise!

The most common comment I hear from women in postpartum is “Why didn’t I know about this during pregnancy”. TIP! Have your pelvic floor evaluated! A pelvic health physiotherapist has graduate training in assessing and treating the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles live at the bottom of your pelvis and are part of your “core”. Their role is to maintain urinary and bowel control, pelvic organ support, posture and sexual function…BIG JOB! During pregnancy these muscles are strained due to posture changes, increasing weight, stretching and occasional injury during delivery. Having a pelvic health physiotherapist pin point weaknesses early and work with you through pregnancy as your body changes can greatly reduce your risk of pelvic floor dysfunctions such as urine or bowel leakage, low back and pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse (when the bladder or uterus sit low in the pelvis). Get assessed, it’s never too late!

  • Work your buttocks to reduce pelvic pain

Low back and pelvic pain affect more than half of women during pregnancy with simple daily tasks like getting out of a chair. Often it is due to muscle imbalance around the pelvis due to postural changes. TIP! When getting out of a chair, scoot to the edge, tighten both buttocks. To stand, press through your heels and stand straight up with your chest toward the sky. Avoid rocking forward and using momentum to get you up. Your pelvis will be more stable, the buttocks will be strengthened and you may find that you can greatly control your pelvic pain


  • Massage your scars!

All scars need to be assessed and treated! Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a caesarean scars may be a part of your healing process and if left untreated they can contribute to pain and pulling, weak abdominals and pelvic floor, urinary issues and difficulty with intercourse. Once your doctor has told you the scar has healed (usually at your 6 week postpartum follow up) begin gently massaging your scars with coconut oil (if not nut allergies). If you are nervous about touching your scars wear gloves or use a piece of soft fabric and as your comfort grows go progressively deeper until you are able to roll the scar between your fingers. Have a pelvic health physiotherapist guide you because scars are deeper than what we see at the surface.To contact Amadea:Amadea S. Kezar M.Sc. PTemail: info@amadeakezarpt.comWebsite: www.amadeakezarpt.com514-777-5435