Homemade Ice Tea


Another great way to stay hydrated is homemade ice tea...Its a great refreshing drink without all the added sugar!Summertime is a perfect time to make your own ice tea and it's great for the whole family. How to:

  • Brew your favorite herbal tea (my kids love the Cinnamon Rooibos tea from Davids Tea and I love the Herbal Medicinal Everyday Detox Tea) in a tea pot or a mason jar.

  • Add some honey or maple syrup if needed

  • Transfer it to the fridge and let it cool OR you can add a bunch of ice to it and drink right away!

  • I like to add in fresh mint and squeeze 1/2 lemon to certain flavors especially if I make a jasmine green tea.

**one of my favorites besides the ones listed above is Earl Grey with a touch of honey and lemon....try it and let me know what you think! Enjoy!Jana