Celebrate Studio Vie: 11 yrs this Fall!

Come celebrate 11 years at Studio Vie Sept 17th! I will be offering my regular Fit Moms Class at Prince Albert Park from 9-10am. After class, we will go to Rejuice to have a smoothie just like in the beginning days ;)

Email me to reserve your spot for class and if you can only make it for a smoothie I would love to see you at Rejuice around 10:15am until 11:30am.

If you have to miss both events on Sept 17th, I will be announce the date of my opening party of my new studio space in North Hatley. We will celebrate the new space & location AND 11 years of Studio Vie….of course with many more years to come ;). It will most likely be sometime mid to end of October.

Hope to see you in MTL and in North Hatley soon!!


**Fun fact: do you know how I keep track of Studio Vie’s bday? I started the studio when my youngest turned 1….he is now 12!! Times flies when you are having fun :)

Jana Sedivec